Research areeas which AGU faculties focued on are listed below:
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical pattern recognition Biomedical signal/image processing Mathematical modeling of physiological systems Bioinformatics Biosensors Tissue engineering
Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Biomaterials Polymeric carriers Polymer and polymer-ceramic composite materials Biodegradable polymers Cell carrier tissue scaffolds Ceramic filters Solar cells, Schottky diodes, Thin films
Drug and DNA release Gene therapy Phage display Industrial microbiology Micro/ultra/nano filtration Food biotechnology Cereal Science and Technology Animal models of cranio-maksilofasial Anaerobic biotechnology Genetics
Civil Engineering
Coastal engineering (structures) Shallow water resources Computational fluid dynamics Advanced concrete technology Construction management Construction materials and components Earthquake engineering Probabilistic methods in structural mechanics Design of steel structures Structural reliability
Computer Engineering:
Wireless and Mobile Communications, Cloud Computing, Computer and Communication Networks, Smart Grid, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Genomics, Next Generation Sequencing, DNA-protein interactions, Computational Biology
Environmental Technologies
Industrial waste water treatment and reuse Membrane processes in water and wastewater treatment Physicochemical treatment
Power Systems Engineering
Electrical machines Power electronics Energy efficiency Power generation from wind and other renewable energy sources Energy storage systems and control Electrical and hybrid vehicles Actuator and control systems
High Performance Computing and Applications
Reaction kinetics and thermochemistry Computational methods and quantum chemistry Molecular modeling and reaction Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor quantum nano structures Genetic algorithm, numerical computation
General Chemistry
Physical Chemistry Mass and laser spectroscopy Synthesis of organometal compounds Energy storage systems and control
Architectural Theory Dwelling and Housing Architectural Design Architectural History Urban History Conservation and Restoration Building Biology Energy Efficiency and Green Buildings Hospital Planning and Management Urban Planning Urban Conservation and Renewal
Economics & Administrative Sciences
Entrepreneurship Master of Business Administration Management Information Systems Finance Intellectual Property Rights Leadership, Globalization The European Union Middle East Countries Electronic Trade Data Mining Healthcare Management Innovation Organizational Behavior