2022-12-27 14:00:00

The Abdullah Gül University (AGU) Barrier-Free Unit Coordinatorship continues to hold workshops for a disabled-friendly accessible campus.

On the International Day of Disabled Persons, the AGU Barrier-Free Unit Coordinatorship organized a meeting at the Central Lab and shared information about their ongoing work.

At the meeting titled "Accessible Campus and Relevant Applications," Barrier-Free Unit Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Asım Ayten stated that particularly tactile ground surface indicators and warning surface indicators, braille signs for offices, braille floor plans, elevator usage guidelines in braille, disabled entrance and parking, and other similar work had been undertaken to detect obstacles for disabled students in their university life, remove them, and create an accessible campus.

Ertuğrul Yıldırım of the Barrier-Free Unit talked about various plans developed to raise awareness as part of the ongoing projects.

Assoc. Prof. Ayten and Mr. Yıldırım also briefed about 2023 targets for the accessible campus, which were planning accessibility in the spaces of the Main Factory building and Student Village, arranging pedestrian walks, planning new bike paths, and procuring stair climbers for disabled students and urban furniture.

They also reminded the participants that thanks to its work, AGU was awarded "Accessibility in Space" in the Orange Flag category for its "Administration and Classrooms Building" within the scope of the 2022 CoHE Barrier-Free University Awards.