Abdullah Gül University (AGU) and the Kayseri Branch of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) jointly organized a "Rammed Earth Workshop".
The workshop was held on the Sümer Campus thanks to the cooperation of a team composed of Architects Çağlar İşbilir and Can Cumalı as coordinators, Dr. Buket Metin, Research Assistant Aslıhan Atılgan, Faculty Member Mehmet Gören from AGU, and Illustration Artist Burcu Ceylan.
19 students from 12 universities participated in the workshop for one week and worked on the technique of rammed earth in detail. The workshop provided information on details of rammed earth practices and effective material designs and offered on-site construction of the prepared designs.
The installation created at the end of the workshop is being exhibited at the Warehouse Building.