Dr. ALAN was born in Istanbul in 1962. He worked as a Research Assistant at Istanbul Technical University during his Master’s program and won a Ph.D. scholarship in the field of Electrical Machines offered by Ministry of National Education to study abroad in 1986. His Ph.D. is in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. While serving as a Research Assistant on three different NASA projects, he also carried out his Ph.D. studies. After his Ph.D., Dr. ALAN carried out a Post-Doc study on another NASA project for a year and a half at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He submitted a total of four project final reports to NASA.

After his Post-Doc study, he returned to Turkey and served as a reserve officer at NATO Headquarters, in İzmir. Following his assignment at NATO Headquarters, he worked as a faculty member at Ege University, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department for sixteen years. While there, he taught undergraduate and graduate level courses. He served as major advisor to eight master’s degree and one doctoral degree engineering students. Currently, he has three doctoral and two master’s degree students connected with Ege University.

Dr. ALAN has completed one Government Planning Organization funded (GPO) Project, eight Ege University funded Scientific Researach Projects (SRP). He had a short term Ministry of Industry SANTEZ project and one TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific Technology Research Institute) funded Fast Support project. He has seven Science Citation Indexed (SCI) articles published in scientific journals, two articles published in National Refereed Journals, thirteen articles published in International Conferences, three articles published in National Conferences, four project final reports submitted to NASA,one project final report submitted to GPO and eight SRP project final reports submitted to Ege University, one project final report submitted to TUBITAK Fast Support. He has refereed many articles published in National and International journals and conferences. He has been a project referee and an auditor for many Tubitak-Teydeb, TTGV, Santez, Tubitak-KAMAG, Kosgeb projects. He has served as an expert evaluator for many court files on electricity. He holds a patent for induction based heating in central heating systems and a patent application for a DC/AC Inverter.

He was assigned as a Vice Rector to AGU (Abdullah Gul University) in September 2011. He served as an Interim Rector for AGU from June 2012 to January 2013. Upon assignment of new Rector to AGU, he was again asssigned as a Vice Rector for AGU.

His research interests are in the fields of electrical machines, power electronics and drives, energy efficiency, induction based heating, wind power electric generation, energy storage systems with special emphasis on flywheel energy storage, and control of electric and hybrid vehicles.