AGU believes that the future belongs to those who trust in the beauty of their dreams, and encourages its members and stakeholders to think unconventionally beyond one’s reality towards a better future, challenge norms and go beyond the expected. AGU strives to adopt diverse, creative, innovative and visionary approaches in order to overcome obstacles or boundaries, and be a pioneer of new models and ideas.
AGU emphasizes education, research and societal impact with the determination to put all best efforts into every action. AGU believes that life is a never-ending learning and constant improvement experience, which requires passion to develop strengths and an explorer mindset to compensate weaknesses. AGU develops analytical mindsets and recommends seeking knowledge and understanding in new environments, leaving no stone unturned and nurturing the drive to reach new goals.
AGU believes that innovation is a key component of progress and requires an entrepreneurial mindset. Creating and leading the change requires being daring, active, willing to take risks, but also inspiring others. Showcasing true leadership is having a vision and gathering others around it; “igniting a spark”, and rallying people around a common goal.
AGU always encourages its members and stakeholders to be ambitious, dream big and aim high. AGU believes that excellence can only be achieved by emphasizing quality over quantity, taking risks, paying attention to details, learning from mistakes, and creating value. AGU recommends to continue developing new knowledge and skills; never stop learning and progressing
AGU understands the importance of meeting goals in a reliable and honest way and believes that success is worthless if not achieved ethically and with integrity. All should seek development but at the same time respect others and rules, be fair and just, accountable and honorable. AGU advocates having values and living by them, promoting fundamental rights and freedoms for all, leading by example and progressing sustainably.
AGU emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness, being aware of and concerned by global challenges, international mobility and experience, as well as the values and richness of diversity. AGU advocates interculturalism, multilingualism and the development of global visions, networks and intercultural skills. To become global and progress, one must get out of the comfort zone, cross boundaries and discover the world.
AGU believes in the old saying that one can go fast by going alone, but can only go far by going together. Current challenges occurring in our globalizing societies can only be tackled using interdisciplinary approaches and multiple expertise sets developed by different individuals that need to collaborate. AGU promotes sharing, solidarity, community development, charity, teamwork, collective growth as well as joint efforts towards common goals.
AGU promotes innovation and growth, but also understands the importance of acting on a human scale. AGU encourages members to feel emotions, be kind and helpful, show solidarity and to be mindful and respectful of others. Common objectives cannot be achieved without compassion, understanding and meeting others’ needs. AGU teaches to develop emotional intelligence and know how to take distance and change perspectives in order to create relevant solutions.
AGU encourages its community and stakeholders to be active members of society and develop a sense of social responsibility/citizenship. AGU members are given the inspiration and opportunity to get involved, find solutions to make a difference, be it by volunteering or adopting sustainable habits. In all aspects of university life, AGU highlights the importance of being altruistic and accountable, embracing responsibilities, sharing knowledge and resources with communities, improving oneself to help others and preparing future generations for societal development
AGU encourages its members and stakeholders to focus as much on form and delivery as on its content, give attention to detail and express themselves effectively in relevant manners. Accompanying quality content with great design, display or presentation is a sign of respect and courtesy towards others. AGU promotes the arts, culture and esthetics, creative and original initiatives, develops appealing images and concepts, and focuses on contemporary trends and styles.